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Strategies ​

Jesse ships with a number of pre-built strategies. Whether they are profitable or not for your purposes, it doesn't really matter. Jesse's API for defining your custom strategies is where it shines indeed.

🎥 Video Tutorial

In case you prefer watching a video, here's a short screencast explaining below flowchart step by step.

Jesse waits until it receives a new candle. When it does, it goes through a series of functions to make decisions. Here's a flowchart presenting the steps:


There's also the concept of events which are functions you use to determine what should happen after certain events happen to your position. These could occur at any time and not necessarily at candle close time. For example, when your entry order gets executed and you open a new position, the on_open_position event is called.

We do NOT guarantee profitable trading results in anyways. USE THE SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHORS AND ALL AFFILIATES ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR TRADING RESULTS. Do not risk money which you are afraid to lose. There might be bugs in the code - this software DOES NOT come with ANY warranty. All investments carry risk! Past performance is no guarantee of future results! Be aware of overfitting!